Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Virgin Suicides

I started this book last week and I really like it. It's by Jeffrey Eugdnfijganobr (however you spell it). Its about these sisters who all kill themselves, and the boys in the town are all obsessed and intrigued by this. The book is narrated by one of the boys who grew up with the girls, well the girls didn't actually grow up. If that makes since? The girls are pretty much portrayed as angels or perfect to the boys, so the boys are all pretty confused, as am I at the moment, as to why they would kill themselves. Just like any other book I find interesting there is a movie, so yes there is a movie that coincides with the book. It has Kirstin Dunst in it I think. Well that is pretty much it for that book, I'm still working on it so ta ta for now. Kim Possible out. call me, page me, if you wanna reach me.

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