Friday, November 11, 2011


Q: Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever loser yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

 A: Over the semester I have been finding myself reading when I am done with my homework or at my job when things aren't busy (which is most of the time). It was really hard for me to actually find time to read because I have been getting a lot of homework so I have been strained to read at like 11 at night. I usually read in the silence because if I don't then I get distracted and I don't remember what I am reading. I usually read in my room sitting on my bed with my door closed so I can't hear the T.V. in the other room. Whenever I get to a new chapter I usually take a break and look up or check my phone. I don't really have that long of an intention span, so if the book isn't the most interesting I probably won't "lose my in the reading". Also I'm not a bookworm and books aren't really what interests me the most, so I don't necessarily talk about books I've read. If I do it would probably be about some absurdity I found in the book and that would be the extent of it. This class didn't really change my view of books as much as you probably would hope for, but I never thought badly of books before so I guess that is good. I just have a lot to do and reading requires a clear mind, a good amount of time, and an adequate intention span. I don't really have any of those right now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm so sick of looking into the future

I'm so sick of looking ahead
So sick of thinking what is next
My mind if full of roadblocks
And my ideas seem to be out of stock
The future is a crazy unknown world
Where nothing is set in stone
And nothing is actually alive
The future is a picture in your mind
That shows you a different time
On the clock and a different town
Separate from the one you live in
The people are different but yet the same
Unfamiliar familiarities rearrange your dreams
Giant windows and foggy mirrors fade in and out
To cause your perceptions to run about
I am just so sick of looking ahead
So sick of thinking what is next

Friday, November 4, 2011

word count and such...

word count for the last few weeks...

this week: 136
last week: 120
last last week: 133


I'm reading a book called Bossypants by Tina Fey. Its pretty good and I do suggest it. I didn't think it was going to be that good of a read at first because I thought it was going to be a boring autobiography that she would sit and gloat about her life, but it's really not. It's basically an account of her career and how she got to where she was and things she has learned along with many funny stories. I really admire her attitude on things, and how she doesn't necessarily take everything so seriously. She views the world so differently from me, and I like seeing others perspectives. I'm almost done so it'll probably be back in the classroom Monday, but don' t all get up at once. I know everyone's going to flock to it since I'm such a good critiquer <-- not a word?? but criticizer is a needs to be added to the dictionary. if ain't is a word, then this is now a word.
kim possible out.