Thursday, September 15, 2011

on to the next

I finally finished Never Let Me Go. It was such a sad book. It was hopeless, but for some reason I liked it. The whole time I kept wondering why Kath, Ruth, Tommy, and the others wouldn't just run away, pretend that they were normal, or just refuse. The only reason I could come up with is that they were basically brain washed into thinking that is all they were made out to be from the day they were born created. That's all they were worth. It really made me angry towards the end of the book during the discussion at Madame's house with Kath, Tommy, and Miss Emily. Miss Emily would be seen in the book as an advocate for these people, but in my perspective she doesn't seem to care as much as she says. She seems like the person who will do something for others as long as it doesn't inconvenience herself. That was possibly why Hailsham closed. Not enough effort was put in to it. The whole book had a great concept, being a typical romantic/passion driven teenage girl I probably would have liked it to end differently. I more sappy, happy ever after ending. I wasn't fond of the awkward love triangle at the end or the passing away of the friends, and the let down of the "rumour" but I guess not everything in books has to have a perfect ending. In all the book was interesting, and i am extremely interested in watching the movie. The actors don' t really fit the images I imagined while reading. I pictured Tommy to be more broad, Kathy to have long straight brown hair, and Ruth to have shoulder length curly black hair. I guess they'll do as actors. The girl from Black Swan plays Ruth, which is surprising because I honestly have never heard about this movie until this week.

Since I'm done with that book, I found a book named Contagion. I got it from the downtown library last weekend. Coincidentally, after I check it out and bring it home I start to watch t.v. and guess what? The book has been made into a movie and it is coming out soon. Happens to me everytime. It's not that I don't mind watching a movie of a book I have read, but all of a sudden the characters from the movie override my images of the characters I created in my mind so that I've completely forgot what I imagined them to be in the first place. It takes the whole personal feeling out of a book because everyone has almost the same perspective once they've watched the movie.

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