Thursday, September 29, 2011

this can get a bit systematic

Okay, to be honest at first I thought this whole blogging thing was going to be fun. Now my opinion has turned tables. I still like the fact that the class is loose and we have more freedom in what we write and so on, and I know it is school so I shouldn't complain, but it is getting a bit tedious and systematic. It might be because I hate scheduled things and having to do the same thing in a time frame. I never really got into the whole journal bit. I did for awhile, but when I kept a journal it was more personal things I wrote down, and on this I can't be personal. I don't like telling people my problems. ANYWHO, I'm not a fan of writing about my week like I'm recounting my highs and lows to my grandparents on the phone or describing the book I just read like it was the most interesting thing I did all week. well, I guess this probably sounds like a personal problem so I'll stop complaining.

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